National Soil Survey Handbook
May 2010
(Microsoft Word Files)



Contents -- 2010


General (Parts 600 to 604)

Introduction (Part 600) -- 2002

National Cooperative Soil Survey Organization (Part 601) -- 2008

National Cooperative Soil Survey Conferences (Part 602) -- 2010


Operations And Management (Parts 605 to 612)

Working Agreements (Part 606) -- 2008

Initial Soil Survey Preparation (Part 607) -- 2007

Program Management (Part 608) -- 2010

Quality Control, Quality Assurance, and Soil Correlation (Part 609) -- 2008

Updating Soil Surveys (Part 610) -- 2009


Soil Classification (Parts 613 to 616)

Applying Soil Taxonomy (Part 614) -- 2005


Soil Interpretations (Parts 617 to 625)

Soil Survey Interpretations (Part 617) -- 2009

Soil Properties and Qualities (Part 618) -- 2010

Soil Potential Ratings (Part 621) -- 1996

Ecological and Interpretative Groups (Part 622) -- 2008

Soil Quality (Part 624) -- 2002


Soil Survey Field Procedures (Parts 626 to 636)

Legend Development and Data Collection (Part 627) -- 2009

Glossary of Landform and Geologic Terms (Part 629) -- 2008

Benchmark Soils (Part 630) -- 2009

Soil Survey Investigations (Part 631) -- 2001


Soil Survey Information Systems (Parts 637 to 643)

Soil Data Systems (Part 638) -- 1996

National Soil Information System (NASIS) (Part 639) -- 1997


Soil Survey Publications (Parts 644 to 646)

Delivering Soil Survey Information (Part 644) -- 2007


Soil Maps (Parts 647 to 650)

Soil Map Development (Part 647) -- 2007

Land Resource Regions and Major Land Resource Areas (Part 649) -- 2007


Information Delivery (Parts 651 to 659)

Advance Soil Survey Information (Part 651) -- 2007

Technical Soil Services (Part 655) -- 2010


Legacy Soil Interpretations Rating Guides (1993 NSSH, Part 620) - Provided for historical use only